My father, the shmear-o

The past week or so has been a total blur. I was completely jet lagged and out of it for the first couple days... wait, scratch that. I'm still jet lagged.
It was a weird transition going from LA to Jerusalem, from freedom to school. And I can't quite say my head is completely back in class mode. But overall, it feels good to be back where most of my clothes are; it feels good to be back in the neighborhood where I've created a life. And it feels good to be back in the thick of things at school, despite the fact that I could use another month or two off from classes.
The highlight of the past week was definitely having my father here. He arrived Friday morning from a business trip in Switzerland, and stayed through last night. Yesterday I gave my one and only D'var Torah (mini-sermon) of the year, on Parshat Beshallach. So it meant the world to have him here to hear it. I wish the rest of the family could have been there, too. Regardless, I had a great time with dad, and was sad to see him go. He and mom return at Pesach for two weeks.
The d'var was well-received, people were very supportive and really liked it. I was proud. It went well. Once I get my act together and take out all the "pause here" and "deep breath" marks, I'll post it on the blog. For now, enjoy a few pics me and Dad.
Enjoying a hot cup of Sangria ... not exactly Israeli, but truly reminiscent of our Father-Daughter trip to Mallorca, Spain
In Jerusalem, with the David Citadel behind us
With Lauren, Lisa, and Leslie at Darna, a Moroccan mis'ada
in the heart of Jlem.
At the Eretz Yisrael Museum in Tel Aviv
Until next time,
J.Fro in J.Lem
1 comment:
Coming from someone who loves all types of Fromers, it's great to see two great ones together -- and looking holy. Three cheers for Dr. Lenny.
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