Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Change a Comin'...

What up peeps.

Oh jeez, there is so little time left before I go. A little over two weeks. I got so anxious today I thought my brain was going to explode. Everyone keeps telling me, "make lists! Lists are helpful! Lists! Lists! Lists!" But the truth is, each list I make keeps getting longer... each time I cross something off, six more things take its place. I just wanna be done, you know? No more to-do lists!! No more to-do lists!!!

There is just sooooo muuuuuuch to do.

Anyway, this week my younger brother graduated from high school. It was incredibly moving and special to see him in his cap and gown. He performed thrice during the ceremony, and he was unbelievably good. I was filled with such a sense of pride; so much nachas! My brother has evolved into a wonderful, mature young man. It's just so hard to believe that he's about to start college.

All this transition is rather jarring. There's change afoot everywhere I look. Brother's going to college, Adam moves to LA for grad school after a summer with me in Israel, parents are becoming official "empty nesters," people are getting engaged, traveling, changing their jobs, going back to school... there is just an overwhelming amount of change happening all over.

Let's not forget Obama! Now, I have to admit I was a big fan of Hill-dawg. and a part of me was very sad when she resigned from the race on Saturday. But I do think Obama has a lot to offer, and more than anyone else in recent history he physically embodies the notion of "change." Watching his fist-pump with wife Michelle when he cinched the Dem nomination put a huge smile on my face. When it comes to change, he represents it to a very strong degree.

That doth rock.

I'll be in Israel in November, and I hope to devote much of my time to getting my fellow Americans absentee ballots and stuff. I just want to do all I can, you know?

Well, my brain is on overload and I can't handle much more. I have seven different gossip magazines to get through to distract me from packing, and I fully intend to indulge in them this weekend.

Everybody get down, get funky.


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